Yerudian Lu Soledo
20 . Philippines . Any Pronouns . ISFP
Welcome to my page! I am Yerudian Lu Soledo, also referred to as Enica or Erudian. I am a self-taught digital artist, former twitch streamer, novel writer, and aspiring game developer.
In real life, you may know me as Kimberly Claire Aliwate, a 1st-year BSIT student from the University of Batangas Lipa Campus.
As a "Jack of All Trades," I have a wide range of hobbies, but the hobbies that I enjoy the most would be drawing digital art, reading fanfictions, writing stories and poems, playing video games, and studying or learning new things.
"I'll be willing to suffer in my own personal limbo, in this hell that I've damned myself into and created with my bare hands; to burn and be burned a hundred times if it meant that I'll live in this world without you."
Around the Pomegranate Wilbur Soot
Losing Face Wilbur Soot
Drunk-Dazed ENHYPEN
Crazy Form ATEEZ
Call Me What You Like Lovejoy
Portrait of a Blank Slate Lovejoy
Normal People Things Lovejoy